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HomeEventsIASIU - North Texas Chapter 2024 Fraud Seminar

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IASIU - North Texas Chapter 2024 Fraud Seminar

About this event

It's time for our biennial North Texas Chapter of IASIU seminar! The theme this year is "Driving Fraud Out of Texas".

We welcome anyone and everyone who is in SIU, Claims, Legal, and Law Enforcement to attend. This year's conference will feature 3 speaker tracks, Texas CE credit, breakfast, lunch, and a social hour.

We look forward to a fantastic conference and seeing you all there!

• Law Enforcement/Fire Department: $55.00

• Members (Active): $75.00

• Non-Members: $85.00

• Vendor Booth: $400.00 - CLOSED
   - Vendor booth on seminar floor
   - Recognition during lunch hour

• Sponsor Only – Gold: $800.00 - CLOSED
   - Group Sponsorship recognition/display on all TV’s at venue
   - Recognition at lunch
   - NTIASIU website logo placement/advertising

• Vendor Booth + Gold Sponsor: $1,150.00 ($50 discount) - CLOSED
   - Group Sponsorship recognition/display on all TV’s at venue
   - Recognition at lunch
   - NTIASIU website logo placement/advertising
   - Choose your vendor booth spot, booth map/layout is pending

• Social Hour Sponsor = $1,200
   - Sponsorship and recognition of the social hour following the seminar

• Badge/Lanyard Sponsor: $1,300 ** SOLD OUT **
   - Your company logo on the lanyard for the seminar name badge

• Speakers – Free

There is a room block at the Hampton Inn & Suites McKinney. However, there is no code though.  Anyone booking a room for the Seminar has to call the hotel directly and let them know they need the NTIASIU Fraud Seminar rate. The rate is $129 per night.

Hampton Inn & Suites McKinney
2008 N Central Expy
McKinney, Texas 75069


7:00am -8:15am
Registration and Breakfast in Main Exhibitor Room

8:15am -9:45am
Bud Kilgore, Core Specialty; Chuck Mazelli NICB: Case Study
This case started as they all do, a suspicious claim or two comes into insurance companies, and a pattern begins to emerge among SIU’s in the industry and before you know these few claims are hundreds of claims, all belonging to the same group of people.   The names of the involved parties in this case were known for several years however, there was never enough sufficient evidence to prove that they were the ringleaders of this organized group. The case study is going to show you what investigative techniques and tools were used to build a prosecutable case against them. 
This class will show how this case was initiated, how it became a major case, involving local and national law enforcement.  The importance of working together with carriers, law enforcement and NICB are showcased here.  Technology and social media were important in putting this together.  At the end, this could not have been successful if prosecutors were not willing, and educated in this type of fraud, to put together a case and take it all the way thru prosecution.

Jason Shannon, Sdii Global: Investigating Potentially Fraudulent Water Losses
Florida insurance carriers are being inundated with potentially fraudulent, or otherwise suspicious water damage
claims. SDII’s newest CE course offering seeks to increase an insurance adjuster’s familiarity with the resources
available when dealing with a potentially fraudulent water loss. This presentation walks adjusters through seven
different methods of investigating suspicious water damage claims. While approved for adjuster CE credit, this
course is also ideal for attorneys and others involved in the handling of potentially fraudulent water losses.

Tommy Short, Short & Company: Situational Awareness
The world today can be a dangerous place, becoming more so every day.  However, you don’t have to live in fear of becoming a victim.  This presentation will teach you how to avoid potential dangers, how to respond to unavoidable situations, and how to prepare mentally for dangerous encounters that may occur within your job, at your workplace, on the way to, at and from your work in the field.  You will learn how to see what’s around you in the world and how to stay safe.

9:45am - 10:00am

10:00am - 11:30am
Dr. Stolar: Unjust Enrichment and The Dissection of a Chiropractic Injury Case
The Texas Administrative Code contains specific rules regarding the chiropractic profession’s responsibility regarding the Delegation of Authority and training of “chiropractic assistants” (CA’s). The goal of this presentation is to understand the established purposes and documentation requirements for therapy modalities and procedures. Chiropractor’s often “delegate” the therapy “chiropractic assistants”.  This presentation will pull back the curtain and provide the insurance and legal professionals vantage points to assist in the audit of reasonable and necessary treatment.

Michael Johnston, Johnston Legal Group: Recorded Interviews - Valuable Information or Conglomerated Messes?
This class will provide the participant with some legal analysis relating to recorded interviews, but mostly practical tips on how to effectively conduct a recorded interview.

Denis Sharshunsky, Hagerty Insurance: Vehicle Forensics
Mapping the Journey from Impact to Resolution," our Vehicle Event Data Recorders Masterclass offers insurance adjusters, special investigation units, and law enforcement professionals a deep dive into the world of vehicles event data recorders. Elevate your investigative skills and navigate the complexities of claims investigations.

11:30am - 1:00pm
Lunch in Main Exhibitor Room with Speaker and Presentations, visit with vendors

1:00pm - 2:30pm
Justin Ussery and Josh Lorencz, Envista Forensics: Digital Forensics for Claims Professionals

John Wichmann, PhotoFax, Inc.: Strategically Investigating Your Claims With Social Media
In this course we do a deep dive into the lesser-known social media sites that could help you investigate a claim and prepare you for the upcoming trends in Social Media & AI. 

Gabriella Marshall, Nationwide Insurance: Why Are My Insurance Rates So High?
The course, presented by an experienced and award-winning insurance fraud investigator, is intended to educate insurance professionals and claims handlers with regard to how best respond to consumers, when asked why consumers’ insurance premiums are rising. The course will discuss such issues as increased weather events and catastrophic storms due thereto, the increased cost of supplies to replace homes and businesses due to covid-19 pandemic supply-chain effects, increases in costs to replace vehicles and properties which are thereby passed on to the insurance consumer, the effect of litigation on settlements, and, especially, the enormous toll taken by insurance fraud on the insurance company’s overall loss ratio.  This will allow claims personnel and investigators alike to better serve the policyholders of Texas by educating them on often-misunderstood aspects of one of their most important household expenses.

2:30pm - 3:00pm
Break in Main Exhibitor Room and Vendor drawings

3:00pm - 4:30pm
J.S. Held: Hail vs. Mechanical

Stephanie Rhima, Rhima Law PLLC: From Evaluation to Defense: Ethical Strategies in Motor Vehicle Claim Resolution
In this course, participants can expect to delve into various facets of claim handling, including letters to insureds, claim investigation techniques, evaluation, and negotiation strategies. Rhima also sheds light on handling UIM/UM claims, navigating Texas Insurance Code violations, and staying updated on relevant case law developments.

Moreover, the course addresses third-party claims and coverage disputes, emphasizing the importance of thorough evaluation, recommended investigation methods, and insights into recent case law updates. Rhima further explores the utilization of public records in litigation, discussing Texas Rules of Evidence exceptions, discovery tools, and updates on legal trends related to regulated healthcare providers.

Dean Hensley, Waller County Fire Marshal's Office: Arson
Structure fires are some of the most expensive claims filed with insurance companies.  Fires also cost the taxpayers a lot of money.  Not all fires are accidental.  The job of the Fire Marshall’s office is to determine origin and cause of the fire, and if it is ruled arson, to do a complete investigation regarding this possible arson.  The insurance company is also doing an investigation if the fire is suspicious.  These investigations must be parallel, but many insurance adjusters, field appraisers and SIU’s do not understand how the Fire Marshall’s office handles these cases, and how their investigations differ from those of the insurance company.

The participants in this class will get a better understanding of the fire investigation from the fire department side, understand what is public record, and what information must be subpoenaed if needed, and the limits of cooperation of public and private investigations.

5:00pm - 6:30pm

The IASIU - North Texas Chapter would like to thank the following vendor partners for the 2024 "Driving Fraud Out of Texas" seminar being held in Celina, TX on May 14th. With your contributions, this seminar will be a great success! Thank you!

Haag Global: Badge/Lanyard Sponsor

Collisiondata, Alpine Intel - National Fire Experts, Allied Universal Compliance & Investigations, and CoventBridge Group for being our Gold Sponsors

Date and Time

Tuesday, May 14, 2024, 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM Central Time (US & Canada) (UTC-06:00)


WJ Ranch
1275 Bourland Bnd
Celina, TX  75009

Additional Info

Event Contact(s)

Sarah Bowman
Seminar Chair
214-538-6695 (p)

Kareem Barakat
Seminar Committee
214-560-9955 (p)

Jessica N Davis
Seminar Committee
4695978644 (p)

April C Gourley
Seminar Committee
469-242-7347 (p)

Geoff Keah
Seminar Committee
214-360-8249 (p)

Jake Opperman
Seminar Committee
972-489-9876 (p)

972-765-1071 (p)


Biennial Seminar

Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
**** All attendee registrations must be received by April 25th in order to ensure the receipt of an attendee name badge and lanyard ***

No refunds allowed after 5/7/2024 cancellation cut-off date.
Cancellation Policy:
No refunds allowed after 5/7/2024 cancellation cut-off date.